Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blackout information 輪番停電のお知らせ

As you know there have been rolling blackouts all throughout the Kanto region. This has affected us here in Gunma, but it is all done to support the people and communities in Tohoku. I hope that everything will be better for them sooner rather than later.

As for Harmony in Higashi and Omama, we have had to change our schedules in accordance with the blackout schedules.

Below are maps to Higashi and Omama schools. We shall contact you by phone to tell you if students need to go to these schools.

東北大震災による輪番停電が群馬県でも実施されました。  停電の為、ハーモニー英会話、東校と大間々校のレッスンスケジュールを変更することがあります。レッスンが停電と重なった場合は東校の生徒様に大間々校にお越しいただく場合や、大間々の生徒様に桐生市東校にお越しいただく事がございます。

住所  桐生市東校 :桐生市東2丁目14番27号
        大間々学校 :みどり市大間々町大間々460-3



Higashi School



Hello from Harmony English School!

Welcome to the Harmony Eikaiwa Blog!

You can check here for all information happening at our schools in Higashi, Omama and Ota.

There was a terrible earthquake and tsunami on March 11th and we hope that all of you are ok as well as your family and friends. This was a very big disaster and our thoughts are with all the people suffering up in the Tohoku region.

Thank you everyone for all your continued support in this terrible time for Japan.